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150 East Cordova Street
Vancouver, BC, V6A 0E7

R9 Type+Design is an independent type foundry from Canada. We specialize in modern and contemporary typeface/font designs.

Fonts in Use

This page showcases R9 Type+Design fonts used worldwide. Feel free to send us your project featuring our fonts. We will be glad to post them on our website!

Filtering by Tag: museum

Aldero™ in use at First Life Exhibit, Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology

Tana Kosiyabong

FONTS IN USE: Aldero™ Complete Family
TYPE FOUNDRY: R9 Type+Design

We were thrilled to receive an email from Mary Sanche, a senior graphic designer at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, telling us she selected our typeface, Aldero, for the “First Life Exhibit” design. She applied the fonts creatively throughout the show, showcasing her design talent. The followings are her kind words on the email: "Aldero guided many of our design choices (you can see me talking about it in one of those photos haha), so thank you for creating it. We even made it into powder-coated aluminum letters for the exhibit title."

We would like to thank you, Mary, so much for using Aldero fonts in your inspiring designs. We appreciate your support and creativity. And I LOVE those powder-coated aluminum letters!

© 2016-2020 Tana Kosiyabong & R9 Type+Design